Monday, January 25, 2010

Alliteration Write or Wrong??

   What's wrong with alliteration?  Why does it get such a bad rap?  My son and I were discussing it just the other day.  He is a blogger and Journalism major and believes that alliteration is never a good thing. My take is that it can be fine, fun and fabulous if not contrived, and in moderation, of course.
   I think Alex's anti-alliteration attitude comes from a professor he had in college. He taught that your future would be full of failure if you embraced the horrible habit.  In fact, after I wrote the man a one sentence e-mail about an article he had written online, he told my son I must be the reason for his "problem."  The professor said that alliteration must be hereditary!
   Even after that rehab class, Alex is still tempted to use the A word once in a while but he takes it one temptation at a time.  Dr. Drew would be thrilled.
   One of our friends who blogs almost daily actually confesses her addiction to alliteration on Facebook.  She has guilt about using it as if it were a crime. Alliteration is NOT an illegal drug, for God's sake.

   I have no qualms about breaking the A law.  I mean, if you see a resplendent red rooster why can't you write "I saw a respendent red rooster?"  Why should you have to change it to, say, a showy red rooster or a beautiful red rooster just to avoid committing what's almost become the eighth deadly sin? Hmm?
   Sometimes you just want your words to be fun.  That's why I love a little lovely alliteration on my plate every now and again. But I vow to curb over-indulging in the future.



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