Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Big Fs - Ranked

   Fitness (read Health) probably should be first on any resolution list but in these unstable times we're all consumed by $$$ concerns. So first on the list is -
   1.  Fortune - Finding Funds is a priority.
   2.  Future - What to do to get the funds?  It's never too late but the best blessing in the world is knowing what you want to do with your life. Never knowing is a curse!  There was a book a while back - "Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow." It would be wonderful if this turns out to be true. It takes some guts to apply this theory, though. Also, one can enhance the future by doing something fulfilling that helps other people or the earth.

 3 and 4.  Face and Figure -  There's a dilemma in ranking Face and Figure besides an admission of vanity. When you reach a certain age, (although the truth is that some people go to pot at 26) they say you have to choose between your face or your fanny.  (My daughter hates the expression "they." Who ARE "they?") This is not as hard a decision as in, perhaps, "The Caucasian Chalk Circle", (I was a drama major and you know Brecht) but stressful nonetheless.  In general terms, when you're older and your face looks good your body is probably too plump and when your body is trim your trim face looks, drawn, old and gaunt, even if you're sweet sixteen.  So you have to go Zen and balance it out - somehow. And usually, a few pounds on the hips is worth the effect on the face. Men now are going Huh? but women understand. (And considering all the problems in the world right now, I feel like a fool for worrying about this!)
   5.  Fashion - always Fun. A quick tour through the pages of Vogue or Harper's Bazaar once a month is a fine activity.

   6.  Fitness. Face it, you'll never be happy if you don't have good health. So fitness should be the overall goal.  And, yes, it would be #1 if we weren't so darn worried about the $$$.


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